

Support for payment devices

POS for small store merchants and integrated PIN-PAD for store chains.
  • Integrated solution with Electronic Cash Register (ECR) software and compatible with ERP
  • Customizable
  • Statistics and reconciliations of card transactions
  • Operational reporting
  • Technical support

Payments solutions for retail

Necomplus offers effective products for the management and payments optimisation.


Payment gateway for transactional optimization.


Payment network manager for physical environment


Value added applications

Loyalty card

Applications based on a powerful database engine, easily adaptable to the required profiles, which allows you to respond to the needs of your business: order management, loyalty programs, quality and satisfaction surveys, etc…

Citizen card

Unify the payment of Public Administration services: transport, cultural services, sports, cultural events…

Typology of clients

Big chain stores

Malls Retailers


Petrol stations

Additional services for the retail sector

CanalApp for business management

The fastest way for businesses to notify the POS network managers of both incidents and notifications or alerts for their resolution.

Regulatory advisory services

Necomplus has a specialized security service so that the bank can offer its clients advice on current payment regulations to prevent fraud and avoid possible sanctions.

Fraud management

Necomplus provides its clients with an expert team in the issuing and acquiring environment, which not only manages 24×7 fraud alerts, but also supports operational control and performs causal and preventive threats analysis.

Contact us

and we will solve all the doubts you may have