
Success stories

Leading companies trust Necomplus

Many leading companies choose Necomplus as a partner to expertly manage their clients and processes.

Satisfied customers

Many leading companies choose Necomplus as a partner to expertly manage their clients and processes. In the banking sector, entities such as Banco Sabadell, CaixaBank or Cajamar stand out, in the insurance sector companies such as DKV-Ergo, in real estate Solvia, in tourism Goldcar rent-a-car, in technology Informática El Corte Inglés, among others. others.

In Latin America, Necomplus assists the main payment processors, such as Niubiz (Visanet) and Procesos Medios de Pago in Peru, CredibanCo in Colombia or CardNet in the Dominican Republic. Clients who periodically evaluate the reliability, responsiveness, knowledge of their product, customer service as well as technological innovation; an audit that obliges Necomplus to comply with high levels of self-demand.

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