Gestión y optimización de procesos

Rent a car sector

Discover how Necomplus has helped in the rent a car sector

Referral service

Necomplus is a service provider specialized in rent a car management through the use of the latest technology. The solutions and services substantially improves the customer experience. Outsourcing the customer service allows rent a car companies to grow by improving brand perception and centralizing efforts at the core of their business.


Some rent-a-car companies run the risk of dying of success. Sometimes continued growth in sales does not come with proportional growth in the structure.

Specifically, the structure and the client service and reservation department are too small, not very flexible, without the appropriate technology and not updated in the Customer Experience trends.

This noise and lack of optimisation of the internal organisation not only has an impact on branding, but forces the company to reduce energies to the detriment of real differentiation in its core, digital transformation or the new opening of rent-a-car offices in countries.


  • Up to 50% lost calls in the summer
  • Long waiting times
  • Average management time for a complaint up to 20 days
  • Need to consult another department up to 45% of times
  • Rigidity of the staff in the case of peaks or seasons
  • No discrimination of client segments
  • No specialised software to register information and record calls
  • Only service channels are telephone and e-mail
  • Only three languages available 100% of the opening hours
  • High number of errors in manual processes
  • Outdated arguments
  • Difficulty to access the client’s record

Action Plan

In order to grow, improving branding and without losing the focus of improving the core, the natural response of the rent-a-car market is to outsource services to a supplier specialised in client management and technology, such as Necomplus.

A specialised supplier implements immediate actions, with expertise in processes that substantially improve customer Experience of the brands they represent.


  • Minimum attention during every month of the year of 90% of the calls
  • Reduced waiting time by 50%
  • Reduction of the management time of a file from 20 to 5 days
  • Flexibility of the workforce in different days, shifts and seasonality
  • Different lines with different teams according to holiday, premium, corporate, fleet clients
  • Specialized software with call recording and registration and classification of all actions
  • Expanded service channels with email, chat, sms and whatsapp
  • From 3 to 9 languages available for attention
  • Standardization of processes and reduction of 75% of mismatches