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Necomplus obtains PCI PIN certification in Spain

Necomplus, an international benchmark in the management of digital payment networks, has been certified PCI PIN v3 – Key Injection Facilities in its laboratory in Spain, reinforcing the security of its processes for the injection of acquirer keys.

Necomplus manages more than 400,000 payment terminals, so far complying with the standards required by local processors. The devices are now also managed in accordance with the PCI PIN – Key Injection Facilities standard for card transactions at attended and unattended point-of-sale (POS) terminals.

  • The PCI PIN security standard encompasses three objectives:
  • Identify the minimum security requirements for PIN-based interchange transactions.
  • To describe the minimum acceptable requirements for securing PIN data and encryption keys

To assist all participants in the retail payment system at the merchant level in ensuring that cardholder PIN data is not compromised.

These terms are binding for acquirers and agents involved in the PIN transaction process, including key injection and certificate management services.

Necomplus takes a step forward in the security of its processes by obtaining PCI PIN – Key Injection Facilities certification, a certification process that is also being advanced in its laboratories in Portugal, Andorra and Latin America, as a commitment to our customers and industry.

Necomplus PCI PIN v3 certificate:

PCI PIN Security Requirements v3.0 Hereí